Yes okay, sorry about the miss-understanding there <smile>, I've read those complaints too in reviews and - whilst those reviewers are very much entitled to their viewpoint - I think it trivia givin what the MM3's are but that's going over old ground again.

Regarding the line-in? You're correct about audio quality depreciating somewhat, its an analogue line-in after all and the MM1'S are based around Digital input hence the USB cable from the computer to the MM1's.

Now I can't remember exactly whether the analogue input of the MM1's doubles as a Toslink 3.5MM digital input? I know the input socket on the A7 can be used as both analogue and digital, I have the A7 linked to my Sangean DDR63+ through a digital cable so with that - the DDr63 has DAB+ Radio, CD Player, Internet Radio, iPod dock etc -, with the A7'S ability to stream AirPlay and it linked to my computer via USB I have a pretty powerful system to be going on with.

On 22/07/2016 6:49 PM, André van Deventer wrote:

Perhaps I have not expressed myself correctly.  Definitely no one on this list 
has complained about the fact that these speakers do not fill a huge room with 
sound.  But I have read quite a few reviews complaining about this.  Perhaps 
this is what I should have said.

Like you I like the fact that the DAC is actually built into the the speakers 
so that you will only need a USB connection.  I have not tried the 3.5 mm input 
of the speakers yet but according to what I have read the sound quality 
depreciates quite a bit - which makes me think that perhaps much of the signal 
processing is actually done at the DAC stage of the speakers.


-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 22 July 2016 10:15 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers

Can I ask you who has complained about the Bowers And Wilkins MM1 speaker set 
not filling a house with sound? No one on this list that I'm aware of has 
complained about that, I've meerly mentioned it as a trait of this speaker set 
and its perfectly acceptible to think that a desktop pair of computer speakers 
wouldn't fill a house with sound as they're not designed to do that at all.

Logitech and other cheaper manufacturers do make speakers that disperse sound 
however they don't sound nearly as good as the MM1's do as computer speakers.

Again I make the obvious point which you're making and have made before as I 
have done, the MM1 speakers are great placed on your desktop with you in front 
of them or near them to fully enjoy them however if its room filling - or even 
house filling - sound you want then the A7 or A5 are worth considering.

I think of the A7 as a computer speaker because it has - like the MM1 - a USB 
input so it can be connected to your computer as a USB sound card would be 
connected - as is the case with the MM1's -.

The A7 is more a speaker music system whereas the MM1's are desktop computer 

My only other comment is that I really wish I knew of other music
systems that had a USB input as the A7 does so if anyone knows any
others then perhaps they may wish to comment? I only know of one other
and that's the Kef X300 I think its call and that system is actually a
pair of bookshelf speakers so they're rather large.

Its a beautiful set of speakers without a doubt and exhibits everything
in sound that Kef speakers are well known for.

On 22/07/2016 5:35 PM, André van Deventer wrote:
The mm1 is manufactured as a desk top set and that is the job it does very very 
good.  I really cannot understand the complaints some folks have about it not 
filling up the whole house or big room with sound.  They are not designed to do 
that.    They are designed to give you clear sound without booming bass when 
you are sitting in front of them.  And the sound is incredibly clear and 
detailed.  The bass is definitely there for such a small set of speakers but it 
is not a booming sound.  Interestingly enough you can actually feel the bass on 
the desktop where they are standing.  They cost me both my arms and both my 
legs but are certainly worth it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: 22 July 2016 01:12 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers

Yep fair point about the “Standby” issue unless something could trigger them 
through the USB port connection perhaps? I’ll do some research on that later on 

You’re right about opinion on sound being very subjective <smile>.  The one 
thing I’ll say about the M1’s from hearing them that often is that they’re not the 
type of speaker for a lounge room - meaning they’re not good at projecting sound too 
far - so obviously they’re meant to enjoy good Hi-Fi sound with you sitting nearly in 
front of them at your computer desk with the M1’s sitting either side of you pounding 
up the rich sound.

On the other hand - if you want something that projects sound far and wide - 
and sounds as good at one end of the house as it does the other - then 
something like the A7 might be the go, the A7 I have myself and it also hooks 
up to the USB port of your computer which is a great touch for a speaker system.

On 22 Jul 2016, at 8:25 AM, Mary Otten <> wrote:

Well, opinion of sound is always quite subjective, but I think the BMW M1 is a 
wonderful speaker. For their size, they are downright amazing. They are a small 
desk top speaker. And yes, even though I have left mine on occasionally for 
quite some time, and the right speaker did get rather warm, no damage 
apparently resulted from that. I don't honestly know if there is some kind of 
sleep or standby mode. It could also be even if there is one, that the 
occasional sound coming through my Mac, such as a mail notification or 
whatever, would've been enough to keep triggering the speakers even when I was 
not actually using the Mac.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 21, 2016, at 12:04 PM, chris ramsay <> wrote:

               mary what is your opinion of the sound of the b and w speakers. 
I think i'd be interested.  Chris
----- Original Message ----- From: "Mary Otten" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Thursday, July 21, 2016 2:58 PM
Subject: Re: Bowers And Wilkins MM1 Computer Speakers

This beaker containing all the amplification stuff does get hot. If you leave 
it on for a long time. If you just turn it off when you're not using it, it's 
fine. But if you forget and leave it on for a long time as I have done on 
occasion, yes, it does get hot.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 21, 2016, at 11:53 AM, Dane Trethowan <> wrote:

Hi there!

I know that people on this list have these speakers and I’m saving for a pair 

So to my question, I read another review on these fine speakers which states 
that the speakers get hot after use.

Well I’ve seen and listened to them enough and I’ve never noticed any real heat 
generation from them though to be perfectly fair I’ve never used a pair over a 
long period of time in a home environment so I put the question to you all.

I’m sure the MM1’s generate a little heat but - as I’ve seen them thus far - no 
more than body heat type temperature.

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