Yep it does so I'm wondering what type of system the Cambridge Audio tuner users? Perhaps Google will turn something up about this.

Again thanks for putting me in the know.

On 18/07/2016 1:37 AM, Clifford Blackwell wrote:
There are two types of set ups in the US. If you have a receiver or other device capable of receiving and decoding Sirius/XM signals, you buy an antenna cable (antenna attached) that plugs into a dedicated recepticle on the back of the receiver. Second, you can buy a cradle that connects to an output device like a receiver through RCA connectors. The cradle holds a Sirius/XM tuner (about the size of an old fashioned Walkman). The cradle, with a power supply has connections for going to the stereo and one for the antenna.

I can't speculate about the internet radio part of your question. Hope this helps. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2016 9:42 PM
Subject: Anyone know anything about Sirius Radio?


I'm not expecting an answer to my e-mail message to be honest but perhaps there is someone out there who might be able to fill me in.

I know of the Sirius Radio service and I know its only available in the U.S. which is unfortunate.

I also know that my Cambridge Audio 650T Digital DAB+FM/AM tuner can accept some sort of Sirius Radio modual and its this that I'm interested in.

Does anyone know of Sirius Radio Modules and how they connect? The Tuner has a 9 Pin RS232C serial connecter, a 3.5MM mini jack and 2 RCA sockets, I know the RCA sockets act as line-in for the Sirius Radio module and I think the 3.5MM jack is also part of the connection but what about the RS232C socket, is that part of it too?

So where is all this leading you ask, well I'm wondering if the tuner can support a Sirius Radio Module could it support an Internet Radio module?

Obviously the Sirius Radio one has some sort of connection to a satellite dish or something similar I'd imagine so an Internet radio module would therefore have to have a LAN jack or perhaps Wi-Fi as part of it.

Any ifway if someone has some views on this I'd be interested in them.



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