Ah you didn't find the Roed Rec app? There's a version you buy but there's
also the LE version that is free. But there's as always a lot of cut outs of
a lot of epic stuff.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 1:50 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Subject: Re: Microphone for IOS iPhone

I understand the Rode Ixyl are very  good, I almost bought one, but I could
not find an app to use with it, set levels, etc.  The one they had turn VO
off or something, and I could not use it.

Dane Trethowan <grtd...@internode.on.net> wrote:

> Hi!
> A little while ago a list member was looking fir microphones to use 
> with his iPhone, perhaps this one linked to below would be well worth 
> looking at, I may even buy one myself as they're available through the 
> Apple Store in Australia, the link here takes you to the U.S. 
> dealership.
> http://www.shure.com/americas/products/microphones/motiv/mv88-ios-digi
> tal-stereo-condenser-microphone
> --
> **********
> Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

Your life is like a penny.  You're going to lose it.  The question is:
How do
you spend it?

         John Covici

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