hi, what i'd do to be sure is call apple accessibility support.
you will need your apple id and phones sn. if its not registered. they are
extremely good. and its just designed for accessibility users.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Skarstad" <rascal0...@verizon.net>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 5:48 PM
Subject: Re: problems adding custom made ringtones to iTunes in windows 10
Hi. I certainly did, in fact that was one of the very first things i did
when setting things up. So, would you say it's safe to hit that erase and
sync button? It looks like it's going to remove absolutely everything from
my phone and I do not want to spend hours and hours re-configuring it.
On 6/14/2016 5:44 PM, Les Gordon wrote:
hello, did you do a complete backup of your iphone once you have it setup
how you want? if so, then you have nothing to worry about the backup will
preserve everything you have on your phone.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Skarstad"
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2016 5:13 PM
Subject: Re: problems adding custom made ringtones to iTunes in windows
Well, I'm not having any problems with the accessibility of the product,
all the screens read exactly as they should. I just don't know what
effect hitting the erase and sync button will have on my iPhone, which
I've spent a really long time customizing. I have apps put in folders,
and I like to have things in a very specific way. The accessibility here
isn't the issue. Or at least it doesn't seem to be that way.
On 6/14/2016 5:05 PM, robert williams wrote:
You might want to consult the accessibility help department to help
resolve your issue.Y
On Jun 14, 2016, at 2:36 PM, Chris Skarstad <rascal0...@verizon.net>
Hi guys
i hope the subject line was clear enough, sometimes I'm horrible at
that. Anyways, let me explain a little further. I had iTunes running
on my Windows 7 machine for many years, and I was successfully able to
create a custom ringtone for my iPhone as a .m4r file, and sync it to
my phone successfully. So recently, I got myself a brand spanking
new screamer of a pc running Windows 10 So I
had some ringtones that I wanted to add to my phone so I installed
iTunes on it, and authorized it on my pc and did all the usual stuff
you have to do to get it set up. I even did a backup of my iTunes
library just to be safe.
However, when I went to sync these newly made ringtones, I receive a
message from iTunes that says if i sync with this iPhone everything
will be removed, and the only thing I'll have left are these new
tones. It says that it can only sync with one iTunes library at a
time. Or at least, that's how the message sounds to me. It sounds
rather ominous.
I don't want to lose absolutely everything on my phone just to add a
few ringtones. That seems rather silly to me. I know a lot of you
guys on here use macs, but remember, this is in Windows 10, using the
most recent version of iTunes, screenreader is Window-eyes 9.4.0.
Is it safe to hit the remove and sync button, or if I do that, will
the only thing that's removed are the tones? If all it'll remove is
my current batch of tones that's ok, but my concern is losing
everything else such as apps, and music. I'm a bit lost to tell you
the truth. I hope someone has experience with this.
Thanks for any help, guys!