Yes, a nice combination and I've done that myself.
Airfoil Speakers is free for those paid users of Airfoil.
On 7/04/2016 6:37 AM, Anders Holmberg wrote:
Aha ok.
Sounds nice then.
I can use my B&W P7 with the device and have fun.
On 06 Apr 2016, at 22:31, Dane Trethowan <> wrote:
I'm not saying there is or there isn't but Airfoil Speakers won't help you one
little bit if that's what you want to do.
To put it into perspective - and you'll see this on the Airfoil page - Airfoil
Speakers transfer your Android device into a speaker so you can plug it into
your Headphones, into a dock or whatever and have your audio streamed in
Lossless quality sound to the device from your Windows PC or Mac using Airfoil.
I use something called Allcast here which streams to Apple TV and DLNA devices
but I don't think it handles AirPlay directly and I really must find an App
that does handle Airplay myself so I'll take a look around later on and let the
list know what I find.
On 7/04/2016 5:11 AM, Anders Holmberg wrote:
So there is no way to stream from an android device to an airport express or
airport device.
On 06 Apr 2016, at 01:28, Dane Trethowan <> wrote:
You'll need Airfoil on your device you're going to stream from so the source
therefore can only be a Mac or a Windows machine, Airfoil Speakers - Satellite
I think is the name of the most modern version - isn't fully compatible with
AirPlay but it is fully compatible with Airfoil.
On 6/04/2016 4:17 AM, Anders Holmberg wrote:
I have downloaded airfoil speakers to my motorola moto g and when i start it it
says that airfoil speakers receives audio from airfoil.
Do i need something more to be able to use my android device with my airport
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Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves
Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves