I've got a Asus Xonar in my computer at the moment.  It is very ordinary if you 
are used to a Creative X-FI.

I've just found an Auzentech Meridian so I'm going to replace the Asus with 
that card.  The optical output from the Meridian is awesome.

Sadly, the only way to get a Meridian card these days is to watch E-bay.

Bob Nelson

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Hank Smith, 
and Seeing-eye dog Iona
Sent: Tuesday, 29 March 2016 8:04 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Subject: Re: SV: sound blaster xfi

had no idea Asus made sound cards
what one is the hifi card on Asus like the soundblaster xfi
On 3/28/2016 2:53 PM, Brian Olesen wrote:
> Hi Hank
> Yeah it's a very nice card, and they've even come out with newer models and 
> Asus has one as well that really kicks the lama's ass. Grin
> We're just getting used to these cheep noisy realtec cards which are build in 
> to almost every new pc these days.
> But wen you listen to a real hifi sound card you can easely tell the 
> difference.
> No it's primarily the DA converters that are better suited for audio then the 
> ones on the mother board.
> Best regards
> Brian
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Hank Smith, 
> and Seeing-eye dog Iona
> Sendt: 28. marts 2016 23:44
> Til: PC Audio Discussion List
> Emne: sound blaster xfi
> Hello I got a desktop a couple of weeks ago I had my sound blaster xfi store 
> for 8 years in storage finally got some one to put the card in, and oh my 
> does it sound butifull this is a 24 bit card with 192.00 sample rate 
> capability it sounds so good I am noticing that the hi of the music stand out 
> so rich and I really can't describe it oh and lower quality mp3s boy you can 
> hear the compression.
> is this do to the 24 bit capability of the sound card?
> also is there any more tweaks that I can do to get this card sounding even 
> better?
> thanks
> Hank

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