Hello Peter,
Will you please keep me in the loop on this? I just gave my friend a machine (a 
Dualdeck) that I couldn't use to convert records and tapes. I couldn't see the 
record levels on the computer (inaccessible softwarde) and the record player 
didn't have a cuing lever, and I don't want to damage my precious vinyl.

You can contact me offlist with your phone number (I'm in NYC), or I'll give 
you mine.

Have a nice day.


----- Original Message -----
From: Peter Russillo  <plrussi...@comcast.net>
To: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 4:51 pm
Subject: Clearclick cassette to USB

> Hi list.  I just got the Clearclick Cassette to USB Converter; if anyone 
> uses this to convert cassettes to mp3 or whatever on the computer, please 
> tell me the layout of the buttons on the device, and how usable this is 
> without sighted assistance; thanks.
> Peter Russillo 

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