Yep you're probably right there.

I did see reference to USB 3.0 somewhere though I've since found the Logitech Webcam specs that recommend USB 2.0 high speed so USB 3 won't do any harm <smile>.

On 7/03/2016 1:39 AM, Brian Olesen wrote:
Usb 2 is fine.
I guess the camera does a little compression.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: Pc-audio [] På vegne af Dane Trethowan
Sendt: 6. marts 2016 14:52
Til: PC Audio Discussion List
Emne: Logitech HD Webcam


I have the standard version of one of these cameras already which I bought 
around a year ago.

I had to buy another and noticed the HD version is at the same price now as I 
paid for the standard version.

I'm wondering, for HD mode to work will I need a USB 3.0 port given the extra 
band width required for this camera or will a USB 2.0 suffice?
Eitehr way I'll be able to handle it.


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