Hello. I got a mackie vlz4 a few weeks ago. Its a 4 channel, and very impressed with it. It have a very clean sound and the mike pre amps are great. I use mine for podccasting and such. It was very important for me to get something that can handle both dynamic and condenser mikes equally well. That is one of the things I have against behringer that their components are not so good.
On 01/03/2016, Jörgen Hansson <hansson.jo...@spray.se> wrote: > hey randy! > there are lots of mixing consoles out there, and mostly they look the same, > > but well a normal mixing console, can have up to 32 faders, but that's a 32 > > channel mixer, smile. and the mixingconsole itself has some knobs for > panning, and Equalizers and so on. but it al depends on what you like to > have, and the mixing consoles can also have different prises, depending on > which kind of mixer you would like to have. I recommend that you might go to > > a music store in your area, and ask them to have a look at a mixing board or > > console as we say as well, smile. > but for you as a station playlist user, if you have a low budjet, you can > use the station playlist it self. I do that, I don't need a mixing console > for that, well, I can use one, but then I have to fiddle around with other > programs and so on, so I'm satisfied with what I have so far. > Regards, > Jörgen Hansson! > tel: +46 703601296 > Web: www.jorgenhansson.com > Skype: djtropical4532 > -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- > From: randy tijerina > Sent: Tuesday, March 01, 2016 4:43 AM > To: pc-audio@pc-audio.org > Subject: folks..may i ask a really dumb question? > > Folks, please have mercy on me for asking this idiotic question. > > what exactly does a mixer console look like? > for example, for you folks who do radio or internet broadcasting? > Are there any good accessible ones? > or, what do you guys recommend? > How easy are they to set up? > My broadcasting dream is starting to take flight. > > > -- Facebook: m.facebook.com/aidan.maher92 Skype: andries4451 Twitter: smarttalk7 Audioboo: www.audioboo.com/DjSpotlight