Ah like the IPhone. Yeah the ducking thing can be a duel edged sword or as I 
like to say, a double bladed lightsaber. You're right it makes it easyer to 
hear the reader and it does come handy when something's a bit louder then your 
screen reader,and you have no Controll. But also you might miss something if 
you are listening to speach. Or you've missed an epic song if tweeting your 
favorite Internet DJ over it. I've had this happen. Thus why I don't listen to 
stuff much on the Phone if I'm gonna be tweeting.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 22, 2016, at 4:52 AM, Dane Trethowan <grtd...@internode.on.net> wrote:
> Hi!
> I normally don't mention updates but this one is a significant update when it 
> comes to audio, the latest version of NVDA now has "Audio Ducking" which 
> other Screen Reading software - though to my knowledge not for Windows - has 
> had for quite some time.
> "Audio Ducking" is the effect of "Ducking" the level of audio whilst the 
> Screen Reader is speaking, for example if you're listening to music and a 
> Windows 10 Notification comes up NVDA will reduce the level of the music 
> playing so the Screen Reader can be easily heard.
> http://www.nvaccess.org/post/nvda-2016-1-now-available/
> -- 
> **********
> Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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