sometimes apps can be slightly different on various devices or set top boxes. functionality may also vary slightly between devices too. the reason is because of the software that runs the device or box. the app has to be configured to work with that specific device. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Mary Otten" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Friday, February 19, 2016 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: Sony Android TV Was Apple TV 4th Gen

Interesting. The people I've heard complaining about netflix on set top
boxes don't have issues with it on actual android phones or tablets,
just on the set tops, such as the older google Nexus. So I wonder why
it works on some and not others, especially the nexus brand. There has
been speculation that the app on the set top box is not the same app as
on devices such as nexus 9 tablet, obtained from the playstore. Since I
don't use netflix on my Nexus 6 and don't have an accessible android tv
set top box, I have 0 personal experience in this realm.



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