mary, with the new apple tv you can use the hdmi and if connected to a surround sound receiver you do not need to have your tv on. you can just listen to the audio through the receiver. also the problem with voice over cutting out. the software could be corrupted and might need a fresh install of software. a full factory reset can sometimes fix those problems. i have the apple tv 3rd gen and also 4th gen and never any problems with voiceover cutting out.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mary Otten" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2016 3:50 PM
Subject: Re: Apple TV 4th Gen

Hi John,

Your observation about the remote being easy to use is interesting. I
think you are the first one who hasn't encountered a significant
learning curve, especially when it comes  to actually having to type
something in, such as a mixed case alphanumeric password. I'm holding
out for bluetooth keyboard access, which is supposedly coming with the
next major release of tv os, if I can believe what I read in the
mainstream Apple-oriented press.

That deal where voice over cuts out has happened to me with a 2nd
generation apple tv. It happened a lot and only quit happening when we
experimented and connected the apple tv directly to the hdmi in on our
tv, rather than going through an a/v surround receiver or even a sound
bar. When connected directly to the tv, the voiceover cut out problem
completely disappeared. Unfortunately, that also meant the rest of the
sound from the apple tv went to the tv speakers, which are God awful.
Just food for thought. And I have heard others report varying results
with the voiceover cut out problem. Some have it. Others don't. And I
haven't a clue why.

I do have a question. Can you connect the apple tv 4th generation and
use all of its features without actually having a tv in the mix? As an
example, with my 2nd generation product, it was not possible to watch
netflix unless the tv was actually turned on. Netflix would not play.
There may have been others too, but Netflix is the one I specifically
remember. So even though I didn't need the picture, the tv had to be
physically on, not just the surround receiver and speakers.


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