Hi first of all how much are you wanting to spend?
I would like to just suggest A company called the harbolt company.
He current has A set of computer speakers there.
If you go to the site

www.harboltcompany.com and have A look threw all the products.
You will find them there.
Also what is nice about that company is they even do audio podcast about the items so you can get an idea of what it looks like or sounds like and or what all buttons nobs and futures it has.
So feel free to give that site a look and if you would like.
In an e-mail off of the list.
I will send you the podc ast on the speakers that that company has and the audio podcast on them. I have purchased from that company before and I am very happy with my purchases from there.

On 2/13/2016 5:28 PM, Dan Kerstetter wrote:
I'm just curious as to whether or not anyone on the list can recommend a
good set of computer speakers--preferably a 2.1 system as I don't have lots
of room-for under $200 U.S.?

Thanks in advance.



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