The manual I've seen says nothing about this.  It just says to take the
batteries out.  They said a minute, but I don't believe that.
Deleting or overwriting is tough.
Thanks anyway.  I appreciate your help.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane
Sent: Monday, December 7, 2015 5:03 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List <>
Subject: Re: Question about a radio


Firstly you might like to look on Sangean's web site and see if the manual
is available.

Second, don't be surprised if you can't easily clear memories on this radio.

I've seen many Sangeans now where the old power out or reset trick just
doesn't work for clearing memory presets any longer so you have to manually
delete them.

On 12/8/2015 11:57 AM, Jim Portillo wrote:
> Hi there,
> Does anyone have or did anyone used to have the Sangean dt-400?  I had 
> to buy another one because mine fell out of my pocket on the bus, and 
> I never saw it again.
> Here's my issue.
> How can I clear the memory?  I knew that if I took the batteries out 
> for either a minute or an hour, it would go back to factory resets.  
> Well, it's not doing that at all.  I had batteries out for 24 hours at 
> one point, then 36, and it's not clearing anything.  The stations I 
> preseet are completely messed up, and I basically wanted to start over
from scratch.
> This thing is not clearing.  Any ideas how I can do this?
> Thanks.
> Jim


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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