is it only called Audio technica USB Dynamic, or does it have a model number
too? this sounds like a good choice for doing podcasts and so on. Can you
even usit for portable stuff? I mean, is it easy to put in a small bag for
traveling? you said it has a headphone jack on it, this means that you can
even use it as a sound card, right? I like it's sound.
Jörgen Hansson!
tel: +46 703601296
Skype: djtropical4532
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
From: Curtis Delzer
Sent: Monday, November 23, 2015 10:06 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Audio Technica Dynamic Microphone Test
right, no background noise, just right there! nice to do a reading
with that kind of microphone!
At 01:40 PM 11/20/2015, you wrote:
This is the dynamic microphone I ordered alongside my Blue Yeti.
As you can tell the sound characteristics are somewhat different but sounds
nice for a Dynamic microphone all the same, good things to have around when
you want to get up close with your speech without the background noise.
The test has been recorded in FLAC.
If link doesn't work the first time then try again in a few minutes, file
may still be uploading to Dropbox.
Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the
halfwits in this world behind.