I don’t post here often and hope this isn’t too much of a stretch but since it 
can be controlled by one’s pc should one wish perhaps it’ll be considered on 
topic. Either way I’ll keep it brief.
When Sonos the manufacturer of a popular line of wireless music system 
announced that they’d be releasing a new version of their play:5 speaker 
including a touch panel there was some chatter on various lists and social 
media of blind people expressing concern regarding the accessibility of this 
platform going forward.
I’m happy to report that every aspect of their commitment to universal design 
and accessibility seems to be in tact. Setting up the new play:5’s is just as 
easy as it ever had been before and even the touch panel on the top of the unit 
can be found, interacted upon to mute or pause audio and change volume settings 
with no tactile markings necessary. the unit emits mild unobtrusive tones to 
alert you that an action has taken place and which direction you might be 
swiping the volume controls.
I’m very impressed and am pleased that my faith in their commitment has been 
aptly rewarded. I’m glad to have supported them with the power of my purchasing 
dollars once again.
Happy listening one and all.

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