hey man you did a great, couldn't detect audible clipping, or "smearing," as I like to call it, very clean, and impressive! truly!

At 12:35 PM 11/18/2015, you wrote:
I hope to have the rumble sorted soon, could have been a number of things, possibly even the Train Station next door but I'd say more than likely the computer was resonating through the wooden desktop.

I also hadn't tweaked anything or perhaps a better way of putting it was that I didn't know how to tweak the Blue Yeti at that time so yep, a little clipping in places but very impressed if I dare say so myself given that I only had the thing for around 10 minutes.

I just used 44.1KHZ Stereo FLac, ain't that good enough? <smile>

As soon as all the filters and stuff arrive I'll go for another test drive.

On 11/19/2015 7:11 AM, Curtis Delzer wrote:
it sounded very very nice, a little "proximity" effect toward the beginning which is typical but you moved away. Stereo image, excellent, including quite a nice "low rumble," probably from traffic outside? :) very nice highs, and as I said, the imaging is excellent. THANKS! sounds like mine, and am actually impressed by the lack of "humnmnmnmnmnmn" which characterized my experience with my yeti at first on a wooden tabletop, but fortunately that's gone!
Which did you use? 44,100Hz 16 bit? or higher?

At 03:48 PM 11/17/2015, you wrote:
Okay so here’s the first test of the Microphone which arrived around 10 minutes ago.

I explain how everything works in the test recording though if I’ve left anything out or if you have any further questions that need addressing then ask.

The test file is a FLAC audio file and its around 12MB in length, here’s the link. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10565527/Input%20Device%20Recording%2020151118%201038.flac

If link doesn't work the first time then try again in a few minutes, file may still be uploading to Dropbox.

Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the rest of the halfwits in this world behind.


Those who don't need help are prepared to help themselves

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