to delete, use the i for left side and o for the right side which highlights between them. You can change the characteristics of the normalization by changing the amount of attack and release time in MS, and whether or not RMS values are used or "peak" value.

At 11:43 PM 10/27/2015, you wrote:
hi list, some time ago, i put a request on this list about soundforge, and a couple of you answered me with suggestions. i looked at soundforge 11, but when i found it was 300 pounds i went on fishing. it was my son-in-law who found me, soundforge audio studio10.0 this was only 47 pounds, and i was able to get a trial version, which i found would do all i wanted to. the only things which i don't like, is that the normalize isn't as good as previous versions of soundforge, also i think that in my version 7, i could delete parts of a recording with, left and right brackets. that doesn't work in soundforge audiostudio 10. there is some way of deleting, but i haven't found it yet. anyway, thanks to kirk and steve nutt for your attempts to help me. brian.

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