
would queue points do this?

Not sure, but possibly.

On Thu, 1 Oct 2015 10:31:25 -0500
Gerardo Corripio <gera1...@gmail.com> wrote:

  HI listers
I've always wondered if it's possible in Goldwave, to somehow place some sort 
of place markers, so I can remember which break spot I've placed in the file? 
I've got three possible break spots: You're listening to, You're connected to, 
and you're in tuned to; I'm wanting to somehow put some sort of a place marker 
for instance where I've placed the You're Tuned Into, so when it's time to 
place the next spot, I'll remember I'd already placed You're Tuned Into, thus I 
wouldn't want to repeat the same one twice! thus is there a way this can be 
done? kind of like placing bread crumbs along the way, so as to remind myself 
what the last break spot I placed? Thanks for ideas.

-- Enviado desde mi lap
Gerardo J Corripio Flores Psicólogo, Terapéuta Reiki
Saludos desde Tampico, Tamaulipas México

Joe Paton <j...@vi-ability.demon.co.uk>

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