Are you doing this just with I Tunes, or do you need something else?.

I'm converting the taus salad theme, I used mp3 cut to cut it.
I could use help.

-----Original Message----- From: jeremy
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2015 1:14 PM
Subject: Re: ringtones

There are several converters that should allow going from .mp3 to an
.m4a. In order to keep the length of the files short though, normally
around 30 seconds for a ringtone, I've always done the conversion within
The extension for the ringtones is simply the .m4a filetype with its
extension changed.
I'm still using an older version of ITunes that has the sidebar, but, if
you need help figuring it out, I can give it a shot.
Take care.
On 9/12/2015 12:07 PM, ken wrote:
Hi, any one know if there is a free way to convert mp3 to m 4 r for the I phone??.
You can call me at 860-874-5495 or 413-310-2917 keep swinging

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