I just tested it. Replay Radio will record thaqt.

Petro will give you more info.


From: Chris Skarstad 
Sent: Thursday, July 09, 2015 1:01 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List 
Subject: Re: downloading from a site that streams audio but doesn't 

Well, see, there aren't any actual download links, hence my reason for 
writing to the list.   For an example of what I mean, go to
http://www.formatchange.com, go to changes by city and just for fun, 
choose chicago.  You'll see different links for different stations. the 
first one says 103.9 the groove debuts.  If you press enter on that link 
and go a ways down the page, you'll find an html 5 player with a play 
button.  if you press it, the audio starts to play, but there's no 
download link.  What I'd like to do is capture that audio in an mp3 
file.  i'm hoping that makes a little more sense, sorry if the subject 
line wasn't clear. :)

On 7/8/2015 10:43 AM, Petro T. Giannakopoulos wrote:
> If you can provide 2 or 3 direct URLs so I can test the streams for 
> you. Are they live or archived?
> If you use JAWS I have a software program that will work for sure but 
> will not name it here.
> Its not free. Also it will capture instead of doing a second by second 
> recording.
> -----Original Message----- From: Chris Skarstad
> Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2015 10:33 PM
> To: pc-audio@pc-audio.org
> Subject: downloading from a site that streams audio but doesn't allow 
> downloads
>                                 Hi folks
> The subject line might seem kind of simple, but it's the only way I can
> think of to describe the situation.  Here's what's happening. There's a
> specific website that allows you to listen to audio content, but it
> doesn't offer links to download said content.  I'm pretty sure there has
> to be a way to do it though. it uses an html 5 player, which most
> screenreaders can recognize, so listening to the audio is no problem.
> It offers podcast feeds, but it only offers the last 10 or so items
> posted, and I'd like to get a lot more of it.  At one time it did allow
> downloads but has since stopped for whatever reason.  Just so everyone
> can have a look, the website is:
> http://www.formatchange.com
> This is a website that allows you to listen to different radio stations
> changing formats. Kind of geeky, but I've been a radio nut for years so
> I like this sort of thing and i'm willing to bet others do too. So if
> there's any software that'll allow me to capture this audio, I'd love to
> get ahold of it and capture some more of this stuff.
> Thanks guys!
> Chris

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