Perhaps not. I just would like the pro 1 because I do want to be a movie sound 
designer some day, so I need the surround sound. Like I told you the other day 
to, I like the surround sound feature for fun too. I can edit DVD chapters I 
extract with DVD Audio Extracter with Pro.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Dane 
Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2015 5:38 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Review: Sony Creative Software Sound Forge Pro 11 - Studio Daily

Fair Points and I too have used Adobe Audition though it was quite some time 
back, I enjoyed the experience.

I'm not totally anti Sound Forge either, I own Sound Forge Audio Studio, there 
are things I don't like about it, I'm not sure - knowing now what I didn't know 
when I bought it - I would have paid the money for it but having said all that, 
well it cost less than $100 and does perform quite well, I wonder to be honest 
whether Sound Forge Audio Studio might be all that most people would need if 
they're going to look at Sound Forge?

A lot of people are fascinated with the "Pro" in a title, Sound Forge Pro and 
so on but having "Pro" as part of a name doesn't mean that its better or worse 
than the competition or doesn't mean that its going to work any better than a 
basic or cut down version of something for some users.

On 2/07/2015 7:15 AM, Steve Jacobson wrote:
> Dane and others,
> This is a valuable thread and I hope we can continue with some serious 
> discussion because it seems to me that a lot gets glossed over.  I started 
> out with CoolEdit and stuck with it when it became Audition 1.0 and also 1.5 
> from Adobe.  It wasn't perfect, but it could do a lot, and it was pretty 
> accessible.  Then came Audition 2.0 which displayed everything differently 
> and it was suddenly not accessible.  At that point, I switched to Sound Forge.
> While I certainly fall into the category of hoping a new version of Sound 
> Forge will be more accessible, I am also relieved when a new version doesn't 
> make inaccessible that which I already know as Audition did.  There is also a 
> tendency on my part to feel that since I've already made an investment in 
> money and also in time to learn the software, that I tend to stick with new 
> versions.  Still, I would never say that Sound Forge is the best audio editor 
> for us.  If someone gets what they want from another editor that is more 
> accessible, they are going to experience a good deal less frustration.
> Even so, it does seem to me that there is a lot being said without looking at 
> details.  More than once, in my frustration with Sound Forge, I've tried 
> something else and found it did a specific thing I was looking for but didn't 
> do something else I needed.  I've also seen cases where what Sound Forge 
> gives me that is not readily accessible, are sometimes things I don't see 
> offered at all in some other programs.  I mentioned a couple of days back 
> that I was trying to dynamically expand some compressed audio and I could 
> find no accessible way to do it with Sound forge.  I developed an expansion 
> preset using an Optacon, a difficult process, but I can now use that preset 
> to accomplish some of what I wanted.  When I last checked, I didn't find that 
> I could expand data with a couple of the popular programs.  In one case, the 
> "expansion" I was told could be done by another package was for expanding the 
> sound field, not the dynamic range.  I also found that I got results with the 
> Sound Forge Noise Reduction plug-in that to my ear, I could not achieve with 
> a couple of other programs.  It wasn't that they didn't reduce noise, they 
> did that very well.  One of the four noise reduction modes that Sound Forge 
> had, though, allowed me to get rid of more noise with less side effects.  I 
> could not find anything that worked as well in that particular case.  I 
> developed a process in Sound Forge that I use on meetings that does a nice 
> job of bringing up the audio gain for questions off mike that sounds a lot 
> like someone manually adjusting the gain.  It delays compression and then 
> after a couple of seconds brings up the gain.  Other programs had similar 
> effects, but I could just never quite get the same results.
> So what's my point, I know I'm sounding like I'm saying that Sound Forge is 
> the best.  That's not what I mean to say.  Where my frustration is that I 
> keep reading here that program a does something as well as Sound Forge does, 
> and program B does something else as good.  What I have not felt has been 
> said specifically is where there is a program that does everything Sound 
> Forge does for me and also does some of what Sound Forge does in a more 
> accessible way.  So SWave can edit as tightly.  That is good to know, but 
> what else does it do?  Does anybody have experience with the latest version 
> of Audition with the latest screen reader support for it?  Is it worth a 
> look?  I tried it a while back and much of what was lost is now made 
> accessible using MSAA or UIA, but I still found gaps.
> I took a close look at Audacity plug-ins a while back and I found a huge 
> number of them.  However, it seemed like many were made to deal with very 
> specific problems, and in my searching, I didn't find anything that would 
> dynamically expand audio, either accessible or not.
> It is fine to say there are many other options, and I wouldn't argue with 
> that at all.  It's just that in my experience, it seems as though I would 
> have to use many other options to do what I am managing to do with Sound 
> Forge with all of its accessibility issues.  I would like to hop onto another 
> band wagon, especially if it was better and cheaper, but it would be helpful 
> if we didn't each have to try five different programs to find out what each 
> will or not do.  Has anyone found Audacity plug-ins that are particularly 
> useful?  What else does SWave do?  I know that Total Recorder can record 
> pretty much any audio that comes into a computer, can be set up for timed 
> recording, and can be used to edit, but does it have other audio functions?  
> Gold wave does a lot of things well.  Can anyone who used Sound Forge and 
> moved to Gold Wave talk about what is better and what isn't?  It would be 
> helpful to get some specifics from people who use various tools.
> Best regards,
> Steve Jacobson
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
> Dane Trethowan
> Sent: Wednesday, July 01, 2015 1:08 PM
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: Re: Review: Sony Creative Software Sound Forge Pro 11 - 
> Studio Daily
> You're right about what people are used to yes but tight edits in Goldwave? 
> Again, if you know what you're doing then yes, you certainly can do some very 
> tight editing in Goldwave, Total Recorder etc, both those pieces of software 
> have functions a plenty for tight editing.
> On 1/07/2015 10:00 PM, tim cumings wrote:
>> If you are looking for a program on the pc side that is a good editor 
>> I use golswave. Despite opinions to the dcontrary, you can make just 
>> as tight edits in goldave as ou can in sound forge. I think a lot of 
>> it is simply what hyou are used to in terms of an editor. Jonathan 
>> Mosen, for example, who used to be a big proponent of sound forge, 
>> told me recently that on the pc side he now uses studio recorder for 
>> most of his pc editing needs. Now studio recorder doesn't have all 
>> the bells and whistle that sound forge does, noise reduction, ability 
>> to use plug-ins, etc, but for just plain editing it apparently works 
>> very well.
>> .
>> On 7/1/2015 12:48 AM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
>>> I don't know whether we're talking along the same lines but I know 
>>> that I can write each channel of a surround-sound recording to 
>>> different files.
>>> On 1/07/2015 1:28 PM, Hamit Campos wrote:
>>>> All though Reaper can open surround sound files right? Can you 
>>>> break them with it too like with SF?
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
>>>> Dane Trethowan
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2015 8:50 PM
>>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>>>> Subject: Re: Review: Sony Creative Software Sound Forge Pro 11 - 
>>>> Studio Daily
>>>> The other problem here also seems to be blind loyalty - pardon the 
>>>> pun -, people buy a product - in this case Sound Forge -, they've 
>>>> spent so much money on the product so therefore they're hoping 
>>>> beyond hope that everything will work as it did in Sound Forge 4.5 
>>>> and they're not looking to try anything new even though times and 
>>>> software are a changing and that's unfortunate as those people miss 
>>>> out on anything that actually works.
>>>> Sony Creative Software have never been interested in accessibility 
>>>> and I doubt they ever will be whereas other products have come 
>>>> along where the developers are interested in accessibility and take 
>>>> note of user feedback, there's a lot of competition out there.
>>>> A classic case in point is Sonar, I know someone who spent 
>>>> literally thousands over time on Sonar this and Sonar that, 
>>>> upgrades and all the rest of it.
>>>> I encouraged him to try Reaper and.. well.. he wished he'd known 
>>>> about it earlier and he's furious with himself for spending a 
>>>> fortune on Sonar, of course its not his fault but I do give him 
>>>> credit for having the courage to try another product and just not 
>>>> blindly follow on.
>>>> Finally, I doubt whether 99% of Sound Forge Pro users - whether 
>>>> Blind or Sighted - would even use a quarter of the functions 
>>>> offered so we're back to square one, why spend so much money?
>>>> On 29/06/2015 5:34 PM, Brian Hartgen wrote:
>>>>> I agree that Amadeus Pro is ideal on the Mac side, I've used it 
>>>>> and it works very well.
>>>>> On Windows, in terms of serious audio production without vision, 
>>>>> there is nothing that beats Sound Forge V8 if you can get it, V9 
>>>>> and above have serious accessibility issues in my view and, 
>>>>> despite me reporting these to Sony, they've not been fixed.
>>>>> On Windows, for multi-track work I use Sonar 8.5. Again, it's 
>>>>> excellent and allows you to be very precise in terms of achieving 
>>>>> a good overall balance of tracks. I like to be very precise with 
>>>>> my editing, and Sonar does not quite give me the flexibility that 
>>>>> Sound Forge does, but we do use Sonar a lot.
>>>>> Brian Hartgen
>>>>> Hartgen Consultancy
>>>>> Phone UK: 02920-850298.
>>>>> Phone US: 415-871-0626
>>>>> JAWS Certified, 2015.
>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
>>>>> Dane Trethowan
>>>>> Sent: Monday, June 29, 2015 4:55 AM
>>>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List <>
>>>>> Subject: Re: Review: Sony Creative Software Sound Forge Pro 11 - 
>>>>> Studio Daily
>>>>> If you’re just relying on Sound Forge to record with a simple 
>>>>> keystroke then you’re money is well and truly wasted<smile>, Total 
>>>>> Recorder for example records at the touch of a keystroke, just 
>>>>> type ctrl-r from within the Application or set up a global hotkey 
>>>>> to record from anywhere.
>>>>> I’ve not played with Sound Forge Pro for a very long time, Audio 
>>>>> Studio does me so I’m wondering just how many of the “Visual”
>>>>> features in Sound Forge Pro 11 a person without sight can make use of?
>>>>> If you want to know what my favourite audio package is - for 
>>>>> recording, editing, multi track recording and just about 
>>>>> everything else to do with audio - then its undoubtedly Amadeus Pro.
>>>>>> On 29 Jun 2015, at 1:41 pm, Hamit Campos <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Epic, I've tried it. It's so easy to record with it. 1 keystroke 
>>>>>> and you're capturing.
>>>>>> I love it. Can't wait for them to upgrade Audio Studio.
>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>> From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf 
>>>>>> Of Dane Trethowan
>>>>>> Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 8:07 PM
>>>>>> To: PC Audio Discussion List
>>>>>> Subject: Review: Sony Creative Software Sound Forge Pro 11 - 
>>>>>> Studio Daily
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> **********
>>>>>> Those who need help are those who are prepared to help themselves
>>>>> **********
>>>>> Those of a positive and enquiring frame of mind will leave the 
>>>>> rest of the halfwits in this world behind.


Those who need help are those who are prepared to help themselves

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