hi jo the only thing is is that wen i go to select the format by pressing
the space bar nothing happens thats were i get stuck.
from the ross meister
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Paton" <j...@vi-ability.demon.co.uk>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Friday, June 05, 2015 6:10 PM
Subject: Re: putting records on hard drive
1. open the sam encoders window.
2. applications key, then arrow down to "new. press enter.
3. On the select pluggin list, select the one you want, in this case,
mp3 pro.
4. use your mouse pointer, or jaws cursor, at the bottom of the screen are
an OK
and Cancel buttons.
Select the ok button and activate with a left mouse-click.
5. Now you should be on the converter page, where you select the correct
settings for the host stream. tab once, on the "choose format button," and
the space-bar. focus is on a list of configurations, the top is untitled.
You can of course arrow through the options, cd quality, radio quality,
telephone quality, and so on. If you have a pre-configured instance, it
have the name that you selected when you configured that item. In this
case, I
have one called "ride radio.
You tab passed the "save as, and make changes acordingly.
Hope this is of some use.