No problems here, I use the Open folder command or browse to the folder using VLC itself.

On 28/04/2015 5:22 PM, christopher hallsworth wrote:
Hi all

Does anyone know of alternatives to VLC for the Mac? At the moment, if I open a 
folder containing thousands of files it gets busy for a long time. Using 2.2.1. 
I'm pretty sure an earlier version of VLC didn't do that.

Any recommendations greatly appreciated. Thanks!
On 27 Apr 2015, at 22:27, wrote:

There used to be a vlc for the iphone, but it was pulled for some

Dane Trethowan <> wrote:

Other people might wish to know about it but not me, I use VLC across
all platforms, waiting until the version of VLC comes out for Android.

On 28/04/2015 4:39 AM, Sunshine wrote:
what would you like to know about foobar 2000?

On 4/27/2015 1:33 PM, Dane Trethowan wrote:
Very appropriate to talk about Foolbar here I guess.

On 27/04/2015 12:43 PM, Andrea Sherry wrote:
Is there a list for this program?


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         John Covici


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