Well again you don’t need to pay a lot of money to enjoy SACD’S these days, I 
was looking at my local electronics store and found a Sony SACD machine for $99.

SACD is an extension of qua for want of a better description and is not to be 
confused with surround-sound as it doesn’t rely on DSP - Digital Signal 
Processing - in other words SACD uses multiple channels with sounds recorded in 
those channels, if you have a Surround-Sound system already then its possible 
that it can already play SACD.

> On 30 Mar 2015, at 6:32 am, Brett Boyer <bboyer...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey. I recall reading a review that said the Eagles Hell Freezes Over has a 
> SACD version. And, in this concert mix you are placed center stage instead of 
> being in the audience. For example, drums behind you, and the band all around 
> you! Whereas most concerts place you in the audience with the band mostly in 
> the front speakers and sometimes a little enhancement in the rear speakers. I 
> thought about buying some expensive equipment just to hear if all of that is 
> true. Because it sounded amazing! But not enough to go and buy several 
> hundred dollars of equipment.
> bb
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of John Gurd
> Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2015 9:27 AM
> To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
> Subject: RE: SACD'S
> Hi Dane,
> I didn't realise SAD's could do multi-channel recordings. I have a few BluRay 
> audio recordings which sound great but only one is multi-channal. While they 
> sound great you still have to use a menu system to access them just as if 
> they were BluRay video. I wish there were more multi-channel recordings 
> around but there seem to be very few even for contempory output. 
> I am thinking of upgrading my ancient BluRay Sony player as it is clunky and 
> slow. Which Dennon player did you get?
> John
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Dane 
> Trethowan
> Sent: 27 March 2015 00:05
> To: PC Audio Discussion List
> Subject: SACD'S
> Hi!
> Been a good while since I've sat down and had a listen to my small collection 
> of Super Audio CD'S, I had an old Pioneer DVD Player which handled them 
> however that player is not compatible with any of the newer equipment I own 
> so SACD'S had to wait until I could afford to buy a compatible player.
> The compatible player arrived in the form of a Denon Blu-Ray player about 3 
> weeks ago ,time to take some time out from the grind, put my feet up and 
> listen again.
> There's no doubt about it in my view, the upgraded player for SACD'S was 
> certainly worth the while given that each channel of the audio is now 
> digitally delivered to the Denon Surround-Sound receiver, each channel being 
> delivered via its own speaker rather than having to rely on processing to do 
> the same job, the old Pioneer player would also deliver the channels to each 
> speaker but in an Analogue mode and you can certainly pick the difference.
> The Pioneer player connected to a multi channel amp or Surround-Sound 
> receiver by the use of multiple VCA connecting cords, one lead for each 
> channel and the connection couldn't be done digitally even though the Pioneer 
> had a Digital out connection - two in fact - they would allow the streaming 
> of standard Audio or Surround-Sound audio and not from SACD.
> The Denon player on the other hand is completely digital for everything, one 
> HDMI connection handles up to 8 channels of audio, HD 4K video - if available 
> - and all the other controlling stuff that HDMI is capable of, certainly 
> makes life one hell of a lot easier connecting HDMI devices rather than doing 
> things the traditional way with RCA and other cords.
> I guess you're all wondering, what's the use of me getting SACD'S if I can 
> only play them on a compatible player? That's true if you want to enjoy the 
> multi channel benefits of SACD however a SACD will play in standard stereo 
> mode quite happily in a standard CD Player.
> Time to get back to my Jeff Waynes Super Audio CD Version of War Of The 
> worlds, the classic double album from 1978.
> -- 
> **********
> Those who need help are those who are prepared to help themselves

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