Best advice yet! <big grin>

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of tim
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2015 7:12 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Editing Mouth Noise and Braille Display Clicks

Try keeping the braille display away from the microphonedrink water before
recording so your mouth so dry

Sent from my iPhone

> On Mar 10, 2015, at 4:54 PM, Danny Miles <>
> Hi Tim.  Thanks for your feedback.
> I know what you're talking about but, as I've always used the SM58 due 
> to its strong capacity to pick things up when presenting radio shows 
> or recording documentaries out in the field, I haven't looked at 
> different types of mic.  Now that I'm working on audio narration the 
> Braille display and mouth clicks are more prevalent ... do you have 
> any specific suggestions please?
> Thanks, Danny
>> On 3/10/15, tim cumings <> wrote:
>> Danny, there's no difference in editing capabilities between sound 
>> forge and goldwave. As someone else has said, if you are picking up 
>> mouth noises and noise from your braille display, perhaps hyou should 
>> think about swithcing to a different microphone which might be lsee 
>> sensitive and have a different pickup pattern. For example, a dynamic 
>> microphone with a cardioid pattern might help in this situation.
>> \On 3/10/2015 3:24 PM, Danny Miles wrote:
>>> Hi Tina.  Thanks very much for this info.
>>> Do you feel that SF is better than GW or are they pretty comparable?
>>> Anybody else's thoughts on this would also be appreciated.  Of 
>>> course buying SF would be a considerable outlay, but it is in the 
>>> cause of professional work, so I guess it depends whether there's a 
>>> significant advantage to it or not.
>>> Also, as previously mentioned, I currently record my audio via the 
>>> Sam broadcasting encoders and simply edit in GoldWave.  Is this 
>>> advisable or would it be better to simply do everything in an audio 
>>> editing package?
>>> Danny
>>>> On 3/10/15, Tina Wilson <> wrote:
>>>> Hello Danny,

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