Danny, I am using V5.70 on my WxpHome system and still on my W7 for the moment, intend to upgrade to V6.1 when I am convinced scripts Etc. are safe.
I am surprised you've not used the scrub facility, I find it invaluable. Zoom ratio is the amount of sound on the screen, I usually have mine set to show one second but using the shortcut keys, shift 1 through shift 6, this can be brought to under a second, one second, ten seconds, one minute, ten minutes and one hour. Of course, if the file is shorter than any of these, (say five minutes) shift 5 and shift 6 will take it to five minutes. Look for more info at the view menu. It is possible to zoom in samples rather than time, it is even possible to look at individual samples so editting can be made very very precise. I am sending you a SendSpace link for a magazine I produce, using listener input mostly from cassette, this tends to be somewhat variable. Currently, it goes out on cassette and memory stick, those who take the stick receive extra programs. I am sending you the October 2014 program, this contains the following items - reference to part 1 and part 2 is for the benefit of those listening on cassette. October 2014. Part 1. All listener contributions. Part 2. Listener contributions. Strange weather days series 2 part 1. Fear on Four - The Monkey's paw. Extra on stick and download stick version. Geoff Barker 2014 06 14 - second hour chat with Hank Marvin of The shadows Radio Memories - October 2014 - as sent out on memory stick.zip https://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/4bp77w