Hi all,
I don't use iTunes myself but I'm just passing this on for those people
who do.
Regards Steve.
From: Scott Erichsen piano...@scotterichsen.com
To: vi...@freelists.org
Hi all,
I’m sharing the following from Freedom Scientific to help clear up
confusion as to why iTunes 12.1 is inaccessible to JAWS and other screen
readers under 64bit windows.
With iTunes 12.1 and 64-bit iTunes Apple inadvertently introduced an
accessibility problem with accessing the album list and perhaps other
lists in the iTunes UI.
(The problem does not exist in the 32-bit version of iTunes.)
It impacts JAWS, Narrator, and Window Eyes.
All three of these products use 64-bit components to obtain MSAA event
information inside of the iTunes process generating the events. This
generally offers better performance than receiving events out-of-process.
NVDA uses the out-of-process technique and is primarily a 32-bit app,
even on 64-bit windows. The nature of the iTunes bug is such that it
does not impact 32-bit processes receiving events out-of-process.
Just to let everyone know. We have had some success getting in touch
with an engineer on the iTunes for Windows team at Apple. We have given
them the information they need to get this resolved and will have to
give them a chance to resolve it now.
Hope this helps.