One card I'm looking at that does have it is the Sewell Direct Sound Box
pro. Now, I don't understand 50 pounds, but this here card is $67 U.S. I
know the Soundblaster ones have what you want, but they can get pretty
expensive. Oh yeah this Sound box pro does full 192 thousand KHZ 24 bit
recording. Another advantage is that it's USB.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Darran
Sent: Sunday, February 01, 2015 6:33 AM
To: PC Audio
Subject: Advice Sought on New Soundcard

Hi List.

I'd like to buy a new soundcard with one feature in particular, I'd like it
to have an optical input. 

I'd be interested in any opinions from the list on a good solid make and or
model to look at.

I'm not looking for a top of the range card to do a magnificent job, a good
job will do! I'm thinking of spending no more than £50,  

Any and all thoughts or advice very gratefully received. 

Thank you.


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