Hi, Actually the latest version 7 works ok. Brian
-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- Fra: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] På vegne af Robert Doc Wright Sendt: 16. december 2014 12:58 Til: PC Audio Discussion List Emne: Re: Latest version of Burnaware 6 wanted there is a version 7 but I did not find it very accessible ----- Original Message ----- From: "Curtis Delzer" <curtis1...@verizon.net> To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org> Sent: Wednesday, December 10, 2014 12:29 PM Subject: Re: Latest version of Burnaware 6 wanted I wonder which does what? :) thanks! -- Curtis Delzer <curtis1...@verizon.net> On Wed, 10 Dec 2014 10:01:12 +0000 (UTC) David Bailes <david_bai...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote: > Hi Brian, > the following page contains links to the free, premium and pro versions of > burnaware 6.9.4: > http://www.burnaware.com/downloads/backup/v6.x/v6.9.4/ > > David. > > original message: > Hi list, > > I know we are quite a lot, who use Burnaware for disk burning. > > I can't find Burnaware pro 6.9 anywhere. > > Could you maybe send me a dropbox link, or something similar to this > specific version? > > It will be highly appreciated. > > > > Best regards > > Brian **** If we can't look at ourselves, and ask, why? then where does the learning start?