Solano give this a try

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 5, 2014, at 8:18 AM, David Bailes <> wrote:
> Hi,
> assuming this 10 mins which you want to delete is in the middle of the audio 
> (that is, not at the end or the beginning):
> 1. Make sure the track is selected. Pressing enter toggles whether the track 
> is selected.
> 2. Move the cursor to the beginning of the section you want to delete. One 
> way of doing this is to press spacebar to start playback, and then press 
> shift+a at the desired position. The latter keystroke stops playback and 
> moves the cursor to that position. Note that during playback you can use the 
> left and right arrow keys to jump backwards or forwards by small increments 
> and shift + left and right arrow keys to jump by larger increments.
> 3. Start playback again, and when you get to the end of the section which you 
> want to delete press the right bracket key (which is two to the right of the 
> p key). This sets the end of the selected time range to where you pressed the 
> right bracket key.
> 4. Press the delete key, to delete the selected audio.
> 5. Export the audio to a new file (export audio is on the file menu).
> Additional notes:
> If the section of audio which you wanted to delete was the the beginning, 
> then:
> 1. make sure the track is selected.
> 2. Move the cursor to the end of the section you want to delete.
> 3. press shift+home to set the start of the selected time range to the start.
> 4. press delete.
> If the section of the audio is at the end:
> 1. make sure the track is selected.
> 2. move the cursor to the start of the section you want to delete.
> 3. press shift+end to set the end of the selected time range to the end.
> 4. press delete.
> David.
> original message:
> It is like 10 minutes 
> Sent from my iPhone 
>> On Dec 5, 2014, at 3:41 AM, David Bailes <> wrote: 
>> Hi, 
>> Is the part that you don't want at the beginning, middle or end, and roughly 
>> how long is it? 
>> David. 
>> original message: 
>> Hi all, I have a couple questions I'm just leaving audacity, and I'm really 
>> not 
>> sure what to do I have an MP3 file from the lecture that I imported into 
>> audacity I am not sure how to select part I do not want can I please have 
>> some 
>> help in I appreciate our responses. 

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