
I mentioned this App when talking about the Penfriend Audio Labeler.

I've just been up onto the Apps Store to rredownload Digit-Eyes and discovered 
that a "Digit-Eyes Light" version is available, I have the purchased version 
which I think I may have purchased nearly 5 years ago now.

Just to summaries, I think Digit-Eyes does much of what Penfriend Audio Labeler 
does however Digit-Eyes also reads and recognises Barcodes thanks to its 
interactive online database, oviously the iPhone is connected to the Internet 
all the time thus Digit-Eyes can make full and interactive use of this.

Anyway try it for yourself with the "Light" version though I'm not sure how the 
"Light" version is limited compared to the "Pro".

Dane Trethowan's iPhone at +61400494862 has had the privlidge of delivering the 
above eMail to you.

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