Actually this isn’t quite true, the responsiveness problem you talked about was fixed quite some time ago it would seem, I mentioned it when I started the discussion on Total Recorder we’ve been having over the last week or so.
> On 26 Nov 2014, at 11:56 am, Steve Pattison <> wrote: > > Hi all, > > I don't know if other people have noticed this or not but when using versions > of Window-Eyes prior to version 9 beta 1 and in Total Recorder for me > responsiveness was very sluggish when going through the menus. I'd press the > up and down arrow keys and it would take roughly a second after pressing the > up and down arrow keys before each menu item was spoken. > > I'm delighted to say that since installing the first beta of version 9 > responsiveness is very quick and all the sluggishness has gone. This makes > using Total Recorder with Window-Eyes a far more pleasant experience! > > Regards Steve. > ********** Dane Trethowan Skype: grtdane12 Phone US (213) 438-9741 Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598 Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589 Mobile: +61400494862 faceTime +61400494862 Fax +61397437954 Twitter: @grtdane