Thanks Hamit, I will definitely check these out as they sound like just what I'm looking for.
Sorry about the sloppy subject line. I've corrected that.

-----Original Message----- From: Hamit Campos
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 7:31 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: Looking for Speak Recommendations

Here's my epic idea.

anion® 2 Series III multimedia speaker system •A performance upgrade over most conventional computer speakers
•Wide, lifelike sound at any volume made possible by Bose® technologies
•Play an additional device—just connect to the auxiliary input

Their USB ones which are a fake surround system are $300. So no go with these. How ever if I may, the Companion 5 multimedia speaker system is epic! I have it and though it is a fake surround sound system, it is Bose, so I love it for what it is. I wish they would do a true companion 5. Meaning an actual 5.1 system around your head abd still being USB of course.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Evan Reese
Sent: Thursday, November 20, 2014 4:44 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Looking for Speak Recommendations

Hey Guys,
I’m using a Windows 7 64-bit laptop with Window Eyes 8.4. I have absolutely no experience with buying these, but I want to get some speakers for my laptop. I don’t have a huge amount of space. I’d like to put them on either side of my laptop if possible. I’m putting them on my Christmas list for my Sweetie, and I don’t want to abuse her generosity. Can I get anything decent, or even half decent, for $100, or maybe not too much above that? I only have one headphone/microphone jack, so I’d like to get USB speakers if I can to keep that jack free for times when I still want to use the headphones. Finally, as I said, I have no experience at all with USB speakers. Can I just plug them into an available port and Windows 7 install an appropriate driver, or do I have to install the driver from a CD? Will I have to worry about accessibility problems with that?
Thanks for any recommendations.

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