This topic is outside my area of expertise certainly as I don’t use Windows 8.1 however I’m curious, thought I’d consult my friend Google and found this link which may help you with your problem, good luck. < <>>
> On 15 Nov 2014, at 7:53 am, Mike Bernard <> wrote: > > Hello fellow pc-audio listers: > > For any of you who use it, where can I find the what you hear and/or stereo > mix feature in Windows 8.1? And once I find it, how do I turn it on and off? > > I'm not all that advanced with my podcasts, but I've always been interested > in knowing how that feature works and how to use it should I ever decide to > one day. Thanks. > > Mike > > Rochester, NY. > ********** Dane Trethowan Skype: grtdane12 Phone US (213) 438-9741 Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598 Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589 Mobile: +61400494862 faceTime +61400494862 Fax +61397437954 Twitter: @grtdane