Before I started using Witopia I did use Hotspot Shield but bare in mind that 
it places ads on your desktop and this can make access tools such as Screen 
readers behave unpredictably at times.

Also note that you have to renew the connection after an hour.

The last time I used Hotspot shield I couldn’t access the list of countries 
through the client though this may have changed.

I’m talking about the free Hotspot Shield of course and not the paid one.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re unable to use Witopia due to your circumstances, 
I’ve tried plenty of VPN providers in the past ad I would have to say that 
Witopia is about as good as I’ve found that you can get, 24/7 live tech 
support, extensive tutorials and guides on setting up your VPN, unlimited data 
transfer and so it goes, I have the Pro account and I pay around $60 a year I 
think it is, there’s a cheaper account for $35 a year though it has limitations 
and I’m not sure exactly what those are as I write this but you can find all 
the details at <>

> On 1 Nov 2014, at 8:25 pm, André van Deventer <> 
> wrote:
> Hi all
> For a few years now I have been using Witopia as a VPN service  to enable me
> to listen to bbc radio five live and five live extra for especially rugby
> union and grand prix action.  These broadcasts were often not available
> outside the UK so you needed a VPN to listen to them.
> Unfortunately due to financial circumstances I cannot afford Witopia anymore
> but would dearly love to access the sport stations from the BBC.
> Was just wondering if anyone knows of a free VPN somewhere that I could use
> although I doubt whether such a thing exists.
> Regards
> Andre


Dane Trethowan
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