Thanks Steve, 

Don't think I need to worry about that for now, but thanks. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 10:46 AM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: I'm new to this list, and I have some Sound Forge questions.

Hi Tina,

If you do noise reduction and stuff like that, sometimes the vocals get
squashed along with noise removal.  Izotope has things like an EQ exciter
preset called Vocal Detail which brings back the lost top end of some
vocals.  Works well on editing podcasts, where the original recording is

All the best


Computer Room Services
77 Exeter Close
Tel: +44(0)1438-742286
Mob: +44(0)7956-334938
Fax: +44(0)1438-759589

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Tina
Sent: 25 August 2014 15:34
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: I'm new to this list, and I have some Sound Forge questions.

Hi Steve, 

Thanks for your email. Can you explain to me what the Izotope RX does, and
about the repair tools? Would they be good for me to be aware of? 


-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 2:47 AM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: I'm new to this list, and I have some Sound Forge questions.


Worth noting that I don't believe with Version 8 you get the Izotope RX, the
repair tools.  These are great, especially the EQ exciter and stuff, so I
enjoy Sound Forge Pro 11.

All the best


Computer Room Services
77 Exeter Close
Tel: +44(0)1438-742286
Mob: +44(0)7956-334938
Fax: +44(0)1438-759589

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Tina
Sent: 25 August 2014 06:28
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: RE: I'm new to this list, and I have some Sound Forge questions.

Hi Steve, 

All of this stuff is so crazy. I used Jaws 14 tonight instead of Jaws 15
with Sound Forge 11 and Jim Snhowberger's scripts, and the editing worked a
little better, but I still had to keep bringing it back to the spot that I
wanted to edit because when I would use the number arrow keys, it wanted to
bring me right back to the front of the file. It took me almost two hours to
edit a job which probably should have only taken a half hour because it
wasn't that big of a job. So right now, I hate all of this. But I do think
you are right. The sound quality is no different in Sound Forge 11 Pro. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Steve
Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2014 7:26 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: RE: I'm new to this list, and I have some Sound Forge questions.


Sorry, my question was not very clear.  Someone said you should go for Sound
Forge 10 instead of 11, but I upgraded from 10 to 11 and didn't notice
anything that worked worse, so I wondered why the suggestion to go back to
10.  You would probably have trouble finding 10.  Before Sound Forge 10, I
used an older version, but I think it was perhaps version 6, so I don't know
what features version 8 has.  However going from version 6 to 10, I did gain
some integrated capability to create CD's which I have found convenient.  As
far as I can tell, though, the general sound and the Noise Reduction plug-in
have not really changed.  It could be that you already had some of the
features that I appreciated in version 10 in your version 8, though.

Best regards,

Steve Jacobson

On Sat, 23 Aug 2014 22:20:00 -0700, Tina Wilson wrote:

>Hi Steve,

>I've only used 8 and 11, and I don't notice any difference in the sound 
>itself after the recordings have been completed at all.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of 
>Steve Jacobson
>Sent: Saturday, August 23, 2014 10:16 PM
>To: PC Audio Discussion List
>Subject: Re: I'm new to this list, and I have some Sound Forge questions.

>I'm curious why, I don't notice much difference between Sound Forge 10 
>and 11.  Could you explain?

>Best regards,

>Steve Jacobson

>On Sun, 24 Aug 2014 14:06:42 +1000, Peter Scanlon wrote:

>>Go back to SF 10.

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Tina Wilson
>>Sent: Sunday, August 24, 2014 1:51 PM
>>Subject: I'm new to this list, and I have some Sound Forge questions. 

>>Hi everyone,

>>I'm wondering if anyone has used Sound Forge 11 Pro with Windows 7 and 
>>Jaws 15.  I seem to have problems with the programs not interacting 
>>well, and I do a lot of recording and editing for my voiceover 
>>profession. I am wondering if someone could tell me which version of 
>>Jaws would work best with Sound Forge 11 Pro.



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