What is the differences between bassic and advanced interface? which is
On 8/9/2014 9:55 AM, Petro Giannakopoulos wrote:
Replay Media Catcher
JAWS 14 Screen Reader
Welcome Screen
After you have installed RMC 5 and runs the program for the first time you
will be presented with this welcome screen.
Choose the checkbox in this welcome screen and ok to no longer receive this
welcome screen.
Just be sure you re-read this screen as I cannot remember if this checkbox
is to be checked or unchecked as you do not need this welcome screen.
The basic/listview/advanced option are only available from the welcome
dialog. After that has been dismissed then you need to use the View menu
to turn on/off what you want.
Configuring The Main Interface
With Replay Media Catcher running you should configure your main interface,
the UI by
Press enter key on Library tab/module
Press alt+v for the View toolbar menu
Press enter keyboard key on everything located in the view toolbar that does
not have a check mark next to it except for 'always on top'.
This will show all the modules/tabs that are available on the main user
interface. They are
The most important modules/tabs are,
When you are done go back with alt+v and make sure everything is checked
except for
the always on top.
JAWS Keystrokes for the List View
If you are in another module/tab please
Press enter keyboard key on the Library module/tab on the main user
Shift+tab will bring you to the list view
If you have captured something you can do the steps below but if not please
read on.
While in the list view you can use the following JAWS keystrokes to hear
Name of your recording
To hear the name press
insert+ctrl+numbers row 1
To hear the date press
insert+ctrl+numbers row 2
To hear the status of your recording/download while in the list view press
insert+ctrl+numbers row 3
The status will say downloading, complete and other info like error.
To hear the whole line press insert+up arrow.
The List view
Choose the Library module/tab.
Press insert+t - the title bar should say library
Press alt+L to bring up the library toolbar
Choose display list view if it is not checked with your enter key
You have made the list view the default view on the main user interface
Choose the Library module/tab.
Use your tab keyboard key and locate the 'Display List View' button and
press your enter key.
Where is that List View on the Main Interface?
Locate the Library module/tab by pressing your TAB keyboard key multiple
times on main UI and when you find the Library module/tab press shift+tab
and you will land on the list view.
Settings and Conversions Settings
Choose the Library module/tab on main interface.
Press alt+l.
The library menu has the
Conversions Settings
The settings and conversion settings tab sheets do not work with ctrl+tab
but do not make any modifications with it. Keep it as is. It works great.
The blind JAWS user will know to use his route JAWS to PC cursor command.
Then do a left mouse click with JAWS to press/activate the tab sheet tabs
that he wants to configure.
Then he should go back to PC cursor mode with numpad +.
The route JAWS to PC Cursor keystroke is
Insert+Num Pad minus
Use your arrow keys to navigate the tab sheet text that you wants to
configure or take a glance at.
For example, locate the Monitor, plug-ins, rtmp, http and the other tabs you
have on one of the tab sheets in the Internet settings. Route JAWS to PC
cursor with insert+numpad minus then use arrow keys to find the text
'plugins' and place focus on the letter 'p' on the text called plugins and
do a JAWS left mouse click with keystroke Numpad / using the numeric keypad.
this will activate/choose the plugins tab sheet properties. Go to PC mode
with numpad +. So go ahead and press your tab key to configure the settings
for plugins. To go to a different tab sheet repeat the steps above.
While on the main interface press enter on Library module/tab.
Press Insert+t for title bar.
It should say library in the title bar.
Press alt+l to bring up the library toolbar menu items.
Arrow down one time.
Settings item is heard. If not, then up arrow one time.
Press enter on settings.
The settings tab sheet properties appears.
You will land on one of the tab sheets. One of these will say tab checked. I
don't know for you but one of these will say checked.
Use your right and left arrow keys to review the tabs mentioned below.
The tab sheets are
Library tab, Internet tab, Audio tab, History tab.
You may hear settings tab too but no problem.
For me the Library tab says checked. so I know I am in the Library tab
property sheet properties which I can examine by pressing my tab keyboard
key each time one by one.
Try it.
While on a control within the tab sheet that is active insert+tab will read
that control for you.
Say you want to view the Internet tab sheet next within this settings screen
you would do a route JAWS to PC cursor command which is
insert+ numpad minus key
Then use arrow keys to find the test 'internet tab' and when you find it
press your JAWS left mouse click which is numpad / on the numpad say on the
letter 'I' on the text internet tab. You will hear JAWS say to you Internet
tab checked.
Go back to PC cursor. Numpad +
You know now that you are in the Internet tab property sheet so press your
tab keyboard key to jump to the different settings you can configure.
Note, the Internet tab sheet has some additional tab sheets within it.
They are,
http tab,
http adv tab,
rtmp tab,
rtmp adv tab,
dynamic tab
BT tab,
Naming tab,
Plugins tab,
ad blocker tab
These are tabs above so if you need to configure something within one of
these you will have to see which one is selected
For me the Monitor tab is checked. JAWS tells you it is by it speaking
Monitor tab checked.
Want to go to a different tab then use the steps above again. Route JAWS to
PC cursor. Arrowing around. Find the tab you want and do aleft mouse click
on it. Go back into PC Cursor mode. Then use your tab key to jump to the
various settings within that tab sheet.
Start Monitoring
To start a capture of your media like youtube.com
Choose the Library module/tab on main interface.
Locate the click to Start Monitoring for downloads button on the main user
interface and press enter keyboard key.
You will hear a sound. This sound is telling you its ready to
If you do not see the 'start monitoring' on the main UI then you are not in
the Library module/tab so do
Press your tab key a few times until you land on the Library module/tab and
press your enter key on it.
Use your TAB keyboard key to find the click to start monitoring for
downloads button.
This will enable the click to start monitoring for downloads button to
appear again. Press enter key on start monitoring. Sound is heard.
Still do not hear the start monitoring feature then do
Find the Library module/tab on main UI and press enter key on it.
Press alt+l for the library toolbar.
The Library toolbar appears.
Arrow down to the item 'start monitoring' and press your enter key on it.
Sound will be heard.
Before you proceed to your media on the web I would tab over to the list
view on the main interface, minimize Replay Media Catcher or alt+tab to your
browser like Internet Explorer.
For example, play the media for 10-15 seconds and stop it with either the
stop button or alt+F4 to close your browser.
Now go back to Replay Media Catcher application and you should be focused on
the list view.
The list view will show you the recordings/captures/downloads you have in a
list view style.
Playback a file that is located within the list view.
Locate the listview. If you do not see it.
Press enter on the Library module/tab .
Tab key a few times on the main UI and you will find the display list view
button. Press enter on it.
Press alt+l for the Library toolbar and make sure display listview is
Locate the list view contents on main interface with the tab key. When you
find it your recordings/downloads will show up in the list view.
Press shift+F10 on a file in the listview.
You can do
Delete a file.
Move To
Save to MP3
Show in folder
So to play a file press shift+F10 while on a file in the listview and choose
PLAY in the context menu.
If you are asked to download a player to play a file it is your judgement to
decide what to do here but if you've played that file type before than
choose NO when the pop up message appears.
If for some reason the file doesn't play then close Replay Media Catcher and
run it again.
Play your recordings through the Windows Explorer.
Where are my files?
On main UI press enter on Library module/tab.
Press alt+l.
Choose open strorage folder.
Conversion Setting
On the main UI press enter on Library module/tab. Press your tab key a few
times and locate the No Conversion type button / text. I believe this is the
default wording when you first installed Replay Media Catcher.
This text No Conversion type is between the Output To: and the all
Locate The 'No Conversion Type' button.
Next press your down arrow key and you will hear the context menu with
Media Players
Game Consoles
Output Folder
Don't Convert
Import into iTunes
Choose the Formats submenu and right arrow to open it. Choose the format you
desire within this list and press enter.
If it doesn't work press left arrow one time after opening the formats
submenu and arrow down.
I chose MP3 Default in this list.
Now when you are back on the main UI of Replay Media Catcher 5 you will see
the format type
you chose instead of No Conversion Type.
For me it reads on the main UI Mp3 Defaults (MP3).
We are telling Replay Media Catcher 5 to automatically convert all
captures/recordings/downloads whether they are audio or video to MP3 format
in my example above. So if your video was .flv or mp4 Replay Media Catcher 5
is going to convert to .mp3 and also keep the original file .flv or .mp4 too
shown in this example.
You will have the original file and the converted file in both the list view
and Windows Explorer.
WGN. mp3
Developer wrote
RMC5 is a different product, with a modern interface and far more features
than anything AV or RMC4 had.
Understanding Replay Media Catcher
Below where it reads 'selected' means to press your keyboard enter key on
the module/tab.
Settings / Conversion Settings / Display Listview / Open Storage Folder menu
item is under the Library menu which is
displayed when the main Library tab/module is selected
Shortcut is
Start/Stop recording menu item is under the Internet menu which is
displayed when the main Internet tab/module is selected
Internet menu/toolbar shortcut is
New Schedule menu item is under the Schedule menu which is displayed when
the Schedule tab/module is selected
No shortcut key as it does not work for me so press alt+f to go to the file
menu and then right arrow one time and you will find the schedule menu which
New - this is where you set timer style recording.
Run Now
Most menu items have keyboard short cuts where it makes sense
The Schedule Module/Tab and how to set a scheduled recording.
On Main UI press enter on Schedule Module/tab.
Press alt+f for the file menu and press right arrow one time to access the
Schedule toolbar menu items.
The Schedule toolbar menu has the following
New - choose this to set a recording.
Run Now
To schedule a recording at a later time press on New in the list.
This will display the Schedule setup screen.
This screen has two tab sheets. They are General and Advanced.
The General tab is read to you by JAWS as General Checked so we are in the
General tab sheet properties.
Tab one time and you will find the
Name edit field box.
Tab and review this screen.
It has settings for
URL address
Capture: Combo Box Options are
Direct Download
Record from stream
Record audio output
Download: Combo box Options are
Youtube Channel
BBC episode
Tab key again and you will find the field to enter your starting time
While on this time setting press your left and right arrow key to examine
It has the hour first, minutes second and AM / PM.
JAWS reads it as combo box like 3:01 PM
You press your up and down arrow keys to change the time setting or even
type in a number when on the hour like 5 to make hour 5 and the same goes
for the minutes type in 33 and a for AM or P for PM so I will type P when I
am on the AM.
So it will say now 5:33 PM
To confirm all is right press insert+up arrow on numeric keypad.
Tab key one time and you are on the date combo box. Set the date.
To review what you have set for the time and date press shift+tab at least
twice to view each setting.
If you cannot type in a number from 0-9 then type 01 for 1, type in 03 for
3, and so on.
Tab key one time and here is the duration in minutes combo box.
I chose 44. Will record for 44 minutes. The default was -1.
At complete: combo box
Options are
Click to stop monitoring
Tab key one time
TZ: this is your time zone setting. Set it.
Tab key one time
Mon through Sunday checkboxes
Tab key one time now
No Conversion Settings - Press your down arrow to access this. Here you will
most likely will use Formats submenu. If you know your recording will be
.mp3 and that's all you want then leave this alone.
To access the Advanced tab sheet properties if ctrl+tab doesn't work you
will need to use
Route JAWS to PC Cursor
Find the text Advanced and JAWS left mouse click on it.
JAWS will read bac Advanced checked.
Press your PC cursor. Numpad +.
Edit fields within the Advanced tab sheet deal with ID 3 naming like artist
and album.
When done choose OK or Cancel.
To find your list of scheduled future recordings you must be in the Schedule
So on main UI of RMC 5 find the schedule module/tab and press enter key on
Then tab until you find the Scheduled listview contents. Here you will see
your list of scheduled recordings you have set for a future time period.
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