Hello everyone,
Ok, so I'm still sort of living in the stone Age and haven't invested
in a Smart phone yet.
Well the time has come for me to finally do so now thanks to the
price friendly service being offered by SafeLink Wireless.
The problem is buying an accessible phone that works with this
wireless provider.
Been looking into purchasing an Amazon Fire Phone, but I really don't
feel I need a $650 item for my very limited phone use. To be honest,
I'm looking into this option only to have a secondary means of
contacting someone in case my Comcast land line phone goes down
(Which has happened a few times and I had no way of calling someone for help.)
Please, I know a lot of you guys can be quite disrespectful to people
posting off-topic posts to the group, but I don't know where else to
turn to for assistance with my question.
I mean a phone is an audio device, so I really don't feel this
question is off-topic, but I'm not that smart of a person.
Again I want an inexpensive Smart phone that works with the SmartLink
Wireless service. It must be completely accessible of course for I'm
legally blind and can't obviously see the screen.
Any suggestions on which direction I should go would be greatly appreciated.