Dave, if it is like my laptop, a Del Latitude, the headphone output should
be set to speaker out for the best sound quality.  Not overly impressed with
the computer speakers themselves.  Mine only has one plug that serves as
both headphone input, and line In, when you set it for that.  I don't like
that either.  If you're planning to do some work with audio files, or
recording into the computer, I would recommend an external sound card.  This
way you would be able to monitor the input better.  That's just my opinion.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [mailto:pc-audio-boun...@pc-audio.org] On Behalf Of Dave
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2014 7:16 PM
To: 'PC Audio Discussion List'
Subject: question about a laptop's audio.

Does anybody have the Dell Latitude E6220-2.5?  i'm wondering about its
audio?  i am buying a referb fron Newegg thinking it will be adequate for
travel purposes.  Thanks.

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