Deb, I don't have much experience with Audacity but I do have some experience with noise reduction. What it sounds as though is happening is that you may have included too much in the sample of noise that you extracted when you started with the noise reduction process. I think that was covered in a previous note, but the first thing you have to do is to isolate a sample of the noise you want to remove that does not include anything you want to keep. If, for example, you got some of the voices in the noise sample that you want to keep, Audacity or any other noise reduction software would include those voices as part of the noise you wanted to remove.
However, noise reduction works best on constant noise. Therefore, it is also possible that noise reduction techniques may not do a good job of getting rid of background voices since they are not steady. It is still worth a try, though, as noise reduction may help some. Best regards, Steve Jacobson On Tue, 17 Jun 2014 20:03:29 -0400, Deb Trevino wrote: > >Hi friends, >I am Dave Trevino's wife and have more Audacity questions: >1. Are there any tutorials that can take me from the very beginning? I have >used Studeo Recorder for editing but that's my only experience. >2. The file I want to work with is a conference call with superimposed (or >background) voices. I want to remove the background voices from the file. >3. I don't understand the parameters in the noise reduction feature as to DB >settings, etc. My attempt to use the NR resulted in lower volume of my total file and limited success with removing the offending background speech. Suggestions appreciated. >4. I'm trying to do all this without laying out any cash! >Thanks for help. >--- >This email is free from viruses and malware because avast! Antivirus >protection is active. >