I would pay very little for artists I really like now I have iTunes and I buy from other sites on the Internet that deal with FLAC files etc, as I do Radio work what I like is completely immaterial as compared to what the listeners like or don't like so - whatever the noise - I have to have it on hand <smile>.
On 12 Jun 2014, at 2:36 am, Evan Reese <ment...@dslextreme.com> wrote: > Hmmm, $375 sounds like a lot of bread for recordings of what you call "one > big noise." What would you pay for recordings of artists you really liked? > <smile> > Evan > > -----Original Message----- From: Dane Trethowan > Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 9:15 AM > To: PC Audio Discussion List > Subject: A Swarm Of Recorded Beatles > > Hi! > > Today is the 50th anniversary of the Beatles tour down under though some > might argue its the 50th Anniversary since the Day Music Died, I'm of the > view that The Beatles were just one big noise the 20th century could have > done without but putting that aside I have to admit that - if you get the > right stuff - some of the recordings made of The Beatles are quite stunning. > > I have 2 sets of Beatles material which I refer to whenever I'm feeling > gloomy and must listen to Beatles material, the first is the "Masters" CD > collection which was released in 1995 or there abouts, there are 18 CD'S in > the set and they come in a mini writing desk type box, yep its made out of > wood and all, cost me $375 at the time but it was well worth the money. > > The other set I have is the "Masters" in high resolution FLAC format, even > better quality than the CD set I mentioned above. > > And - if you don't have a CD player or couldn't be bothered to look where to > buy the high resolution FLAC set - then iTunes offers a very good substitute, > the "Masters" in AAC+ which still sounds acceptable in my lounge room. > > Its unfortunate that there are so many dreadful Beatles recordings out there > - even on CD - so you really have to know what to look for, my guess is that > a lot of company's - 20 years ago - just wanted to get the material out > there, remastered from old tapes and didn't really give a damn about the > quality of the finished product. > > > ********** > > Dane Trethowan > Skype: grtdane12 > Phone US (213) 438-9741 > Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598 > Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589 > Mobile: +61400494862 > faceTime +61400494862 > Fax +61397437954 > Twitter: @grtdane > > > > ********** Dane Trethowan Skype: grtdane12 Phone US (213) 438-9741 Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598 Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589 Mobile: +61400494862 faceTime +61400494862 Fax +61397437954 Twitter: @grtdane