Hi Peter,
Unfortunately, there's only stuff about a proxy server, default audio device, and use multimedia controls in the Options dialogue box. There's nothing about resending activation.
I'll keep looking.

-----Original Message----- From: Peter Russillo
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 4:33 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Re: Any Home for My Hope for Pandora on My New Windows 7 Machine?

Hi Evan.  I recently got a new Win 7 machine to replace my Vista machine
that died; since I've got the Hope program transferred to the new machine
before the old one died, I went to the program and looked for the Options
section; there should be a button that says something like "resend my
activation key."  I did this, got my key, pasted it in where it needed to go
and Hope is now running on both my Win 7 mechines.  You might try running
the program and put in your Pandora login info, then there should be a
dialog with a Resend activation key button; give this a shot.  If Hope
support isn't writing back that can really suck.  I understand the suthor is
not so nice when people write him with questions, so try what I mentioned
above.  Thanks.


-----Original Message----- From: Evan Reese
Sent: Thursday, May 01, 2014 4:23 PM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Any Home for My Hope for Pandora on My New Windows 7 Machine?

Hey Guys,
I have an activated copy of Hope for Pandora on my old Vista machine. I
installed it onto my new Windows 7 machine, but apparently I need to
activate it before I can use it. I wrote to Support ten days ago but have
gotten no response. Do I have to buy the program again to get it to work on
this new machine? I kind of resent having to do that, especially from a
company that promises support but apparently doesn’t really provide it.
Anyone have any ideas as to how I can get my legally purchased copy of Hope
to run on my new machine?
Thanks much.

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