That's very surprising. Will save my $99 then. Thanks for this info.

At 01:31 PM 4/5/2014, you wrote:
The Verge did a review of the Fire TV from a general perspective. From what I've read, the Voice Search feature works wonderfully, but there's no auditory read out of the results i.e. you'll need to know the title of the movie for which you're looking. Music search is not yet available, but is rummored to be coming soon.

The Boice Search, for now, is limited to Amazon products i.e. not with Net Flix, Hulu Plus, etc.

I have yet to see any info about accessibbility features other than Voice Search.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Salien Brown" <>
To: "PC Audio Discussion List" <>
Sent: Saturday, April 05, 2014 8:08 AM
Subject: Accessibility of the New amazon FireTV Set Top Box?


I'm curious if anyone here knows if the new amazon Fire TV set top box has any voice capability built in? Hoping Amazon incorporated some of the voice features of the Kindle Fire into this new device.

I love my Apple TV box mainly for it has the Voice Over accessibility option.

I do have an Amazon Prime account and having the ability to listen to their massive library of movies/TV shows has my mouth watering. Also purchase a lot of music on Amazon, so I'm looking forward to accessing my music library via the use of Amazon's Cloud service through Fire TV.

If anyone can shed more light on the accessibility of Amazon's new Fire TV box please share. Thanks.

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