I'd recommend version 8 as being the latest which seems to not have the issues that 9, 10, and 11, have with moving the cursor . . . with speech output.
-- Curtis Delzer. HS. K 6 V F O San Bernardino, CA. curtis1...@verizon.net skype: curtis1014 On Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:30:02 +0100 brian parker <brian.parke...@btopenworld.com> wrote: > Hi list, some time ago, there was a number of messages on this list about > various versions of soundforge. i didn't take much notice of them, as i was > happy with my soundforge 7. now i have run in to trouble, and it wants me to > register it again, and i am having trouble doing that. can someone advise me > of a later version that wil work with wineyes. i believe the latest > soundforge is number 11, though i might be wrong. any help would be > appreciated, brian. ps i am using windows seven. >