Hi! The following sample comes from a tuner I picked up on eBay for 99 cents, the Sony STJX4 which i estimate to be around 30 years old but - after hearing this sample - I don't think anyone will be caring too much about the age of the equipment.
I have made 4 samples and this one was taken from radio 2CA in Cannberra Australia which is around 300 miles from me. Note that during the sample you'll hear the signal fade and another station on the same frequency will be heard, that station is in South Australia, around 400 miles from me in a different direction. <https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10565527/Sony%20STJX4%20-%2002.mp3> If link doesn't work the first time then try again in a few minutes, file may still be uploading to Dropbox. ********** Dane Trethowan Skype: grtdane12 Phone US (213) 438-9741 Phone U.K. 01245 79 0598 Phone Australia (03) 9005 8589 Mobile: +61400494862 faceTime +61400494862 Fax +61397437954 Twitter: @grtdane