On 19/03/2014 01:52, Dean Masters wrote:
> I am wanting to run a patch cord from the headphone jack on my TV to my PC 
> to record some shows but there is a hum. I have Comcast cable. 

This sounds like an earth loop of some kind.

The first thing to check is whether the cable outlet is isolated
- it should be. Do you use a cable box or does the cable go
straight into the TV? If you have a box, check if you still get
the hum with it disconnected. If not, that's the cause of the
problem and the isolated outlet will cure it.

If you still get hum without the TV cable connected there are
other things to check; is the TV connected to anything else? Do
you have an outside aerial as well, or a satellite receiver?

If the TV is fitted with a two-pin mains plug, is it the right
way round? Try reversing it in the socket.

I'd plump for the cable outlet first, though, it's a very common

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