Hello. I have two recordings of instructions about how to use power mixer, where to find it, and set it up, etc. It is a little convoluted, but will do what you wish. There is a 77 megabyte file you can download, a *.zip https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4910953/Power%20Mixer%20instructions%20and%20info.zip where a lady does the demoing. They are *.mp4 files inside the *.zip, so hopefully your player can handle those. Winamp does, also MaPlEr does. the volume is a little low however.
-- Curtis Delzer. HS. K 6 V F O San Bernardino, CA. curtis1...@verizon.net skype: curtis1014 On Sat, 15 Mar 2014 09:03:38 -0600 Gerardo Corripio <gera1...@gmail.com> wrote: > HI listers > OK let me give a little background so we can be on the same channel on my > question. I've want to be able to switch between two settings within > Recording Properties > 1.-To record my voice as have it default, I have my Laptop's Internal Mike as > the Default Recording device; > 2.-However when I record podcasts especially where I demo the use of programs > on my Laptop (I have the system sounds and my voice recording at the same > time), I go into the System Tray's HP Speaker 100% Icon, Recording > Properties, and change the setting to Use Playback as the default Record > device (on some laptops it's StereoMix), Under Internal Mike still on > Recording, I activate the Listen to this Device, thus this permits me to have > the system sounds and my voice recorded at the same time. > My question is is there a setup I could use maybe via a Shortcut key, to > permit me to change this back and forth without having to do all the > keystrokes mentioned above? Yes Iknow of the existance (I used it when I had > Windows XP) of Quick mix to switch between these two recording setups, but > haven't seen into using it since I don't know how compatible it is with > Windows7? Thanks for info. > > -- Enviado desde mi lap > Gerardo J Corripio Flores Psicólogo, Terapéuta Reiki > Saludos desde Tampico, Tamaulipas México > RompiendoBarreras espacio de psicología/Superación Personal Sábados 10PM > México http://radiogeneral.com ¡los esperamos! >