yeah and on the site there is a direct link to that as well, but you can also find it in windows updates under optional updates.
Best regards

-----Oprindelig meddelelse----- From: Mike Bernard
Sent: Friday, February 28, 2014 4:28 AM
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: trouble installing mp3 skype recorder

I'm atempting to install mp3 skype recorder. However, every time I press
enter on the icon containing the .msi file extention, I keep getting a
message telling me that I have to first install something called
Microsoft.net framework version 4.0 or higher in order to continue with the
installation.  Being that I'm an average everyday computer user, who doesn't
mess around with my operating system, I have no idea as to what this all
means. What is Microsoft.net Framework 4.0? Why do I need this? and where
can I get it? Is it possible to install this so-called Microsoft Framework
thing, without messing up my computer? I know that this may sound somewhat
silly, but as I said, I'm no computer geek and I'm not comfortable tampering
with Windows in a technical manner. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Rochester, NY.

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