Are you refering to the Bose Speakerbar?  If so, the Cinemate SR1 is very
impressive but very expensive at £1300.  Walter.

-----Original Message-----
From: Pc-audio [] On Behalf Of Chris H
Sent: 22 February 2014 20:42
To: PC Audio Discussion List
Subject: Wireless speakers

Talking of speakers and speaker docks has anyone tried any from Bose or
Sonus? My father recommends these brands and I will research myself.
This is for an upcoming 30th birthday present of mine. Sure there are
others and please feel free to share these. But I have heard a Bose
Radio and was very impressed with it so much so I am looking into
acquiring Bose equipment starting off with wireless speakers. Also has
anyone heard of a device from Bose that connects to a TV and supposedly
brings the sound to the whole room? Any or all comments are welcome. Thanks!
Regards Chris

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